Our company EC International Certifications is a certification body. We work in the area of management system certification and iso 14001 2015 certification in different directives.
Environment Management System certification (EMS)
What is Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai?
Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai & Environment Management System is the internationally recognized standard for the environmental management of businesses. It prescribes controls for those activities that have an effect on the environment. These include the use of natural resources, handling and treatment of waste and energy consumption.
What is an Environmental Management System (EMS)?
An environmental management system (EMS) is a structure of connected elements that define how an organization manages its environmental impacts. These elements include policies, organizational structure, procedures, goals and objectives, and defined processes. In order to be effective, all of these various elements must work together cohesively and be a part of the overall business management system.
The Benefits of implementing Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai
Implementing an Environmental Management System is a systematic way to discover and control the effects your company has on the environment. Cost savings can be made through improved efficiency and productivity. These are achieved by detecting ways to minimize waste and dispose of it more effectively and by learning how to use energy more efficiently. It verifies compliance with current legislation and makes insurance cover more accessible.
How do you start to implement ISO 14001? What is involved?
Firstly, you need to evaluate the effect your organization has on the environment. You then need to prioritize ways in which you might reduce them. Next, identify the boundaries of your management system and document your procedures for implementing the requirements of Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai. You will need to ensure these procedures are implemented and then audited. If you have ISO 14000 systems in place, many of the requirements of Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai will already be covered, or can be easily incorporated into them.
Once developed, internal audits are needed to ensure the system carries on working. The setting of targets for the environmental policy and continual measuring against it ensures the system is maintained. Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai & Environment Management System
Why seek certification to Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai?
Once you have an environmental management system in place, you may choose us to have it externally audited. Following a successful audit by an certification body, you will be issued with a certificate of registration to Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai. This demonstrates that your organization is committed to environmental issues and is prepared to work towards improving the environment. It also gives a competitive edge to the company's marketing and enhances its image in the eyes of customers, employees and shareholders
EC International certifications clients have an enviable record for customer satisfaction with its certification services. Iso 14001 2015 certification in mumbai & Environment Management System